このアメリカ・カリフォルニア州より小さな日本の国土に54基もの原子炉を稼働させ、これからも少なくとも近い将来14基をも建てようと計画が進められている。 その全てはいまだ伝統的な人々が暮らす、自然豊かな場所であり、 その計画がもたらされた地域では、人々が分断され、時に友人や親族同士にも対立が広がり、双方に憎しみと悲しみが生まれている。
複数の原子炉の暴走という、いまだ人類の誰もが経験したことのないこの事態は、ぼくらの住む母なる島々を蝕み、母なる海を穢し、大気を濁しながら、ゆっくりとこの母なる地球を死に追いやっていく。いや死に追いやられるのは我々人間 と、そして罪のない子どもたち、生きとし生けるいのち全てである。
あまりにも母なる地球を痛めつけた、その大きなカルマが私たち人間にただただ還ってきたのである。もちろんここで言う人間にはあなた方伝統的なネイティブの人たちは含まれない。大地と共に生きるあなた方は、これからの次の世界において大地が再び還ってきて、 いのちが再び蘇ってくる様を、物質と共に生きた人々の、その文明が滅び去った後、それを昇る太陽の光と共に見るはずだ。
ぼくらの内の少しでも、その生き方に戻り、また生かされていくように、と、どうか聖なるビッグマウンテンで、伝統的な祈りの儀式で、また聖なるサンダンスの儀式で、生命を象徴するその木の精に、大地の子宮を現す、その暖かで優しい、 そのロッジのなかで、日々その聖なる場所に、はるかぼくらの住む方角から登る太陽に、そしてぼくらの住む方角に沈みゆく太陽に、 この大いなる清めの時を出来るだけ、少ない試練で終わりますようにと、共に祈りを捧げてくださいますように!
「大いなる浄化の時」 その浄化がわたしたち全てのこころを浄化し、次につながる子どもたちへの希望の時と変わりますように!
To Big Mountain , To All My Relations
It will soon be two months since the great earthquake hit the Tohoku and Kanto region of Japan.Those of us who have not experienced the damages firsthand can only imagine that the victims who lost their homes, jobs, homeland, and above all their family, are experiencing deeper and deeper sorrow and agony as times go by.
Mother Earth sometimes makes us humans go through great challenges. I am certain that this is because many of us Japanese have lost the way of life that respects Mother Earth. We have come a far away from a lifestyle that is in harmony with nature. The nuclear power plants are great symbols of this loss.
On this small island country less than the size of Californa, there are fifty four nuclear reactors in operation, and additional fourteen in the plans. Most of these reactors are located in remote areas of rural Japan with abundant nature, where traditional people live. When the plans for nuclear power plant are brought into these areas, people become divided, sometimes even friends and family fight one another, leading hate and sorrow to cover the community, similar to Big Mountain. The electricity generated at these power plants are sent to far-away big cities. In these areas, while some money from that government is distributed, destruction of nature far-surpassing the monetary compensation, and massive amounts of deadly nuclear waste are left. This is also similar to Big Mountain.
The nuclear power accident at Fukushima is the materialization of the dark powers of the nuclear industry, which viciously pursued their greed under the disguise of the phrase “peaceful use” of nuclear power. This accident, where multiple nuclear reactors went out of control, is something that humanity had yet to experience. This accident is eating away our Mother Islands, contaminating Mother Ocean, the air, and pushing Mother Earth toward a slow death. Rather, it is us humans and innocent children, and all living beings that are pushed toward its slow death. The great karma of hurting Mother Earth is coming back to humans. Of course this does not apply to traditional native people. When this current material civilization comes to its final end, those of you who live according to the earth shall see the dawn of the next world, when the earth comes back to life, where all living things can once again live.
“A world out of balance.” Hopi elders and Lakota medicine men had come to Japan to send this message of warning. Sadly, there were too few of us to listen. Still, some of us, and the younger generation following us, are choosing to live in a humble and frugal lifestyle as yours.
The future will depend on their hands, feet and heart. To walk in beauty. Like in a sundance, giving thanks to the sun and the earth in the circle of life, dance in beauty, making an offer with our whole self. Never praying only for the self, but to pray for all our relations. To put an end to a civilization that cuts open Mother Earth’s body and extract its internal organs, and return to a lifestyle like yours, where we give daily prayer and thanks to the rising and setting sun. We the Japanese also had this traditional way of life in the past.
Please pray, at the Sacred Big Mountain, in your traditional prayer ceremonies, in the sacred Sundance ceremony, to the spirits of the tree of life, in the warm and gentle lodge representing Mother Earth’s womb, at the sacred sites, to the sun that rises from the direction where we live, to the setting sun, please pray so that we may return to the traditional way of life and be allowed to live, so that this great purification shall end with the least damage.
“Great purification.” Let it purify our hearts, and transform the hardships into an age of hope for the future children.
My heart is always with the earth and the sacred tree of life,
All our relations,