(ミッチェル F. ウリビ、アリゾナ州フェニックス)からの手紙
1996年5月3日、アリゾナ州ディネの地ビッグマウンテン地区。太陽がちょうど真上に昇った頃、アイリーン・ヤジーとサラ・ベゲイが暮らすホーガンの 前に、二人のイェイ(スピリット)が現れました。
・科学者らは、地球の磁場が変化・崩壊するとともに、その劣化が加速し始めたと伝えている。(2004年7月13日 ニューヨークタイムズ紙)
・地球を保護する地場が弱ることで、大気中に太陽光線の嵐が発生し、地球を有害な紫外線から守るオゾンを大量に破壊している。(2004年7月12日 New York Times 紙)
・北極上のオゾン層は巨大な太陽光線の嵐によって深刻な損傷を受けている。(2005年3月2日 New Scientist 紙)
・南極上のオゾンホールは過去最大となり、その大きさはアメリカ合衆国の3倍に達し、ついに主要な都市部を紫外線にさらした。(2000年10月5日 Associated Press)
・紫外線は食物連鎖の下層部で遺伝子要素を破壊する。また、ほ乳類の免疫力を弱め、皮膚がんを引き起こす。(2000年10月5日 Associated Press )
・フランスの科学者らによると、海流や風といった気候変動は地球の核を起源としており、核の循環に変化が起こると、地球の南北の磁極をゆっくりと変化させることもありうると言う。(1985年7月 Arizona Republic)
国連の世界気象協会によると、ハリケーン・カトリーナ、リタ、スタンといった破壊的な嵐は2005年に気候の限界を新しい次元へ導いたという。更に、カ リブ海やメキシコ湾を通り抜けた熱帯性気候システムの乱れは過去最悪となり、命名される規模の嵐の数は1933年の21を抜いて26となった。(2005年12月16日 The New Zealand Herald)
地質学者らは、2003年カリフォルニア州沿岸部のパソ・ローブルスを襲った地震は、地球を鐘のように鳴らし、山々は1フィート隆起したと報告している。(2003年12月30日 World Environment News)
アラスカの科学者らによると、2004年のクリスマスにインド洋で起きた殺人的な津波の原因となった地震は、アラスカのランゲル山(14000フィートの火山)で地震を発生させたという。これほど離れた距離の地震と火山が関連したということは、科学者を驚嘆させた。(2005年2月25日 KTTUU-TV アラスカ州フェアバンクス)
米国の地質力学者らによると2004年12月にインドネシアで破滅的な津波を起こした地震(マグニチュード9.3)はあまりにも強いため地球の軸をぐらつかせ、その地域の地理を永久に変えてしまったと言う。(2004年12月27日 ロスアンジェルス、AFP News)
科学者らは、原因は不明であるが、南極の氷が融けつつあり、それが世界の海面を上昇させ、何百万人もの人々や世界の経済を危険にさらしていると言う。(2005年10月17日 Reuters News Service)
前代未聞の干ばつ:ーナバホの人々が家畜のみならず生き方まで失ってしまったかもしれないー 今までにない干ばつがナバホの民を襲った。(2002年6月2日 Arizona Republic)
北アラスカ先住民社会のサラ・ジェームスによると、「季節は狂い、カリブたちは困惑している。湖が浅すぎて魚が死んでいく。甲虫からビーバーまで、今までいなかった種がこの地に入ってきている」という。(2001年6月1日 Outthere News)
皮肉なことに、2004年1月26日号のFortune紙オンライン版は、「気候の崩壊ーペンタゴンが見る天候の悪夢 ー 気候は突然そして速やかに変動しうる。それはすべての国家安全問題の原因となりうる」と題した記事を発信しています。
ミッチェル F.ウリビアリゾナ州フェニックス在住
Navajo Times: [Posted by Webmaster, January 26, 2006, to Letters to the Editor]
Growing Body of Science Backs Yei Prophecy
On May 3, 1996, at the time of day that the sun is directly overhead, two Yeis (Diyin Dineh) appeared before the hogan of Irene Yazzie and Sarah Begay of the Big Mountain, Ariz. area within [Teesyatoh] Dinetah.
Their message: If the Navajos (Dine) continue to forsake their tribal traditions, the people face grave danger in the future and the Yeis will not be able to help them. The Yeis vanished within seconds of delivering their message, leaving only footprints.
Since that day in May 1996, what has happened to our Mother Earth that might reveal the meaning behind the message brought to us by our holy people?
* Scientists have discovered that our earth's magnetic field is shifting and collapsing at the same time its deterioration has recently begun to accelerate (New York Times - July 13, 2004).
* With the weakening of the earth's protective magnetic field, solar storms are breaking through our atmosphere and destroying huge amounts of ozone, which protects our earth from destructive ultraviolet radiation (New York Times - July 13, 2004).
* The ozone above the North Pole is severely being destroyed by gigantic solar storms (New Scientist - March 2, 2005).
* The ozone hole above the South Pole is at a new record size, an area more than three times the size of the United States, and for the first time has exposed a major urban city to high levels of ultraviolet radiation (Associated Press - Oct. 5, 2000).
* Ultraviolet radiation destroys genetic material at the lower level of the food chain. It causes skin cancer and weakens the immune system of mammals (Associated Press - Oct. 5, 2000).
* French scientists suggest that climatic changes, such as the circulation of oceans and the winds, are originating in the earth's core - and changes in the core's circulation could cause the slow shifting of the planet's north and south magnetic poles (Arizona Republic - July 1985).
* According to the United Nation's World Meteorological Organization, catastrophic storms, like hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Stan, took weather extremes to new levels in 2005; additionally the tropical systems that swept through the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico were the worst ever, with 26 named storms breaking the previous record of 21 in 1933 (The New Zealand Herald - Dec. 16, 2005).
* Geologists said the earthquake that struck near the coastal city of Paso Robles, Calif. in December 2003, California's largest in four years, caused the earth to ring "like a bell" and mountains to grow a foot taller (World Environment News - Dec. 30, 2003).
* Alaskan scientists report that the earthquake that triggered a killer tsunami in the Indian Ocean on Christmas 2004 also triggered a second earthquake beneath Mount Wrangell (a 14,000-foot volcano in Alaska). This link between earthquake and volcanoes, at such long distances from each other, came as a dramatic surprise to scientists (KTTU-TV, Fairbanks, Alaska - Feb. 25, 2005).
* According to U.S. geophysicists, the earthquake (magnitude 9.3) that unleashed deadly tidal waves on Indonesia in December 2004 was so powerful that it made the earth "wobble" on its axis and permanently changed the regional map of the area (Los Angeles, AFP News - Dec. 27, 2004).
* The South Pole ice cap is melting, adding to the ongoing rise in global sea levels, endangering millions of lives and worldwide economies, scientists said, but the cause is unknown (Reuters News Service - Oct. 17, 2005).
* "Drought like no other - Navajos lose livestock, perhaps a way of life - they've never seen a drought like this before" (Arizona Republic - June 2, 2002).
* According to Sarah James of the northern Alaskan community: "The seasons have gone mad and the caribou are confused. The fish are dying because the lakes are so shallow and all manner of unfamiliar species from beetles to beavers are moving in" (Megastories from Outthere News - June 1, 2001).
In conclusion we find that an increasing number of scientists have stated that while human beings may contribute, they are not the "cause" of global warming and many believe that the cause lies within the earth herself - namely that the earth is heating up from the core.
Additionally while many had believed that global climate change would stretch over a period of hundreds if not thousands of years, new evidence reveals that global climatic shift could occur abruptly! In fact, geological evidence has revealed that rapid climatic shifts have occurred in the earth's past, occurring in less than a human generation (20 years) and lasting for thousands of years.
Scientists have discovered that the earth went through such a global abrupt climatic shift some 5,200 years ago (approximately 3100-3200 B.C.) from the discovery of plants in the mountains of Peru that were flash frozen (evidence that a climatic shift took place in hours) to the other side of the planet where a mummified prehistoric man called Otzi was found in the Alps trapped in the ice by a sudden climatic shift.
According to geologist Lonnie Thompson, "Something happened 5,200 years ago that was abrupt and very large scale." But what caused it and will it happen again?
Ironically, Fortune Magazine in the Jan. 26, 2004, online issue ran an article entitled, "Climate Collapse - The Pentagon's Weather Nightmare - The climate could change radically and fast. That would be the mother of all national security issues."
According to the article, "The threat that has riveted their attention is this: Global warming, rather than causing gradual, centuries-spanning change, may be pushing the earth's climate to a 'tipping point.' Growing evidence suggests...if it does, the need to adapt will overwhelm most societies - thereby upsetting the geopolitical balance of power in the world."
In closing, it is interesting to note that according to the Mayan Indians cosmology, our present world, the Fifth World, began on 3114 B.C. and will end (transform?) in the year 2012 A.D. So, the question can be asked, are we listening to what our Yeis (Diyin Dineh) said, and what are we doing about it?
Mitchell F. Uribi
Phoenix, Ariz.