Black Mesa Alert- Stop BIA Impoundment of Dine'h Livestock on HPL! Last week the Hopi BIA's (Keams Canyon) Fred Chavez stated that starting Monday Feb. 15th "BIA impoundment trailers are now moving up to HPL to conviscate all illegal Dine' livestock." Recent reports say BIA personnel are already on the HPL designating which herds will be taken. Dine'h families who have not signed AA leases have had their ranging permits revoked and then reissued. Livestock limits were lowered after the drought's effect on the land was studied by the BIA. Dine'h "tenants" and non-signers have been ordered to reduce herds below subsistence levels for their extended families, or face impoundment. Supporters are concerned these impoundments are timed to intimidate Dine'h into relocating the the "New Lands" near Sanders, AZ. Those who haven't signed AA leases were given notice in November to pick a relocation site or one will be chosen for them. They face forced eviction in 1999 or 2000. Dine'h who did sign the so-called "Accommodation Agreement" also have until February 1, 2000 to change their minds and relocate. Elders Roberta Blackgoat and Pauline Whitesinger received 90-day eviction notices that expire in March. They are not court orders to move, however. "This is no surprise to anybody" said Robert Carolin, BIA in Phoenix, "these people have been warned long ago to reduce their herds," seemingly echoing the Office of Navajo- Hopi Indian Relocation about evictions. These impoundments will take place in the cold of winter when food supplies may be low and before sheep can be sheared or calved. It is comparable to police taking your groceries for the next year by force. Dine'h livestock on the HPL have already been reduced over 95 percent. Yet ranchers graze livestock on federal lands with little restriction at minimal cost. US taxpayer monies pay to put Dine'h sheep, cattle and horses in jail with bail that compounds daily. Get involved and help stop imminent impoundments of Dine' livestock. The BIA is serious and they need to know that the public knows how they are spending our tax dollars. Although they claim this is for the good of the land (there are problems with the lands, but this is a "final solution"), this action is politically driven. So change it. Do something to help these people....This is the last of America's great Indian Wars. It is a war of slow attrition. It is immoral and demands our action. . Stop Livestock Impoundments- Contact List Call these BIA officials asking them to stop livetock impoundments: Kevin Grover, Assistant Secretary, Bureau
of Indian Affairs Robert Carolin, BIA Wayne Nordwall, Regional Director Fred Chavez, BIA, Keams Canyon Also try Robert Caroline at Keams Canyon
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