Navajo Nation interest
in implementing policies
The Navajo Nation tribal government
has been long involved in the relocation processes since the
Relocation Mandates set by U.S. Congress in 1974. The Navajo
Nation (NN) has always tried to present itself as the appropiate
and the humane representative of the people in resistance. Today,
in conglomerate with the BIA Hopi tribal Agencies, the Phoenix
BIA Area Office, and the BIA's (armed) Range Technicians have
been bringing more fear upon the traditional resistors on the
HPL. Despite, that this Relocation Law is an intent to "resolve
a land-dispute" between the two said Indian Nations, the
implementation of the final policies are still violating human
rights, as well as Treaty Rights. Just imangine for a moment
that your elder parents or grandparents are being serve notices
to forfeit there cultural belongings, foods, religious practices,
to stop all family activities in order to conform to a new era
and finally on top of that, these Orders are presented to them
in some strange and foreign language.
We would assume that the Navajos (Dineh) themselves would take
a position to protect the rights and cultural interest of their
elders who are resisting. Certainly, the resistors would have
made much progress in: the courts, at the community levels, influencing
the local district councils, and international diplomacy (without
the intervention by the US State Dept.), and such progress would
have been possible if the NN would have provided such financial
and political supports. However, one must understand how and
why tribal governments were set up during the 1930s when post-depression
industrialization began in the southwestern US. Interior Secretary,
John Collier, of that time reinstated a very settle method of
"Scorge the earth campaign" or another phase of Genocide.
This anti-Indian policy, the Indian Reorganization Act took various
harsh and brutal stages, and it also outlined ways to stablize
the "Washington designed" Tribal Council. In the Tribal
Constitutions (written by White Anglos), nothing states the protection
or the enhancement of the existing centralized, cultural and
religious societies of the Dineh. Thus, the sole purpose of the
NN or the Hopi Tribal government is to alter and eliminate the
powers of the religious and traditional leaderships. What is
occuring in northwestern Big Mountain is the final stages of
assimulation, and it is carried out without the conciousness
of the American public (and with the ignorance of those that
know about it in Arizona). Furthermore, it is conducted in away
to disturbed traditional lives by humiliation and isolation.
Northwestern Big Mountain is probably no different than the rest
of the HPL, but what is occuring now is just example of the helplessness
that these last aboriginal community is feeling. The Accomodation
Agreement (AA) of the 1997 was forced into their face despite
their opposition and claiming they were being represented by
a lawyer, Lee Brook Phillips, who had no interest in their sovereign
status, but had interest in the BIA Tribal Constitutional's "rational"
dicussions. Most of the resistors were coherced that the court
will issue them continued residency and that, their lives could
resume to a normally state like before the Relocation Act of
1974. Now, those who have signed the AA see steel markers and
brass-topped markers that has enclosed them within a 3 to 6 acre
plots. They have been also informed that they must immediately
built or move all their property into these plots. Also, all
excess cattle, horses and sheep have to be sold or hauled off
the reservation with the assistance of the BIA, and any other
unauthorized livestock is subject to impoundment. Some of the
signers to the AA were told to seek new plots because they were
too close to an archaelogical site. All other homesites, cornfields,
corrals and religious grounds have to be dismantled, and if the
residents can't do that the BIA Hopi Agency will have their personnel
do the tearing down and disposing of these structures. There
are those elders who did not sign the AA, and they are subject
to forcible eviction by, perhaps early 2000. The NN's representatives
are currently acting as mediators and "the good sumaritians"
to assure that their traditional elders have an idea of the processes
and to abide by the Relocation Laws.
Currents and Outcome of Last Incident:
We had discussed previously that, Mayze
Katenay Begay was harassed and that their animals were about
to be hauled off. Though, this is sort of a voluntary situation
her and her family still have the privilege and protection of
International Human Rights. She does not want the BIA acitivities
to suddenly or distruptly enter her resident without notifying
her in a timely manner. She would like to cooperate in having
the excess animals hauled, but should be done on her time and
without abuse to the cows or horses (e.g. compacting them where
some get injured or crushed). Since Oct. 16th when the BIA's
rescheduling to haul on the 22nd, the BIA Range Technicians just
came back to remove the defaced stock trailer (Mrs. Begay insisted
a message be written directly on the trailer since her two page
letter wasn't adhered to). They simply took the trailer without
the excess animals, and they just said the weather might make
their future efforts inaccessible. Ye! Mother Nature, she did
it again. Also, these resistors need encouragements, like showing
them they have the right to state their feelings, and that such
feelings be adhered to. However, it is not over. Lets continue
to build awareness and support for on land coordinators but make
sure that such support produces feed back. Preparation is very
essential for the planning of responses to the intensification
of the final removal and displacement of the resistors. The elders
still ask for helpers, witnesses or periodic scheduling of monitoring
tours. Please, stay tuned and keep in contact with your nearest
Support Networks.
Again, Thanks for all the various aspects of support this year,
and do understand that the elders are most grateful for your
contribution and
Signed, Bahe Y. Katenay
