Greetings Everyone,
This is just a brief update on the situation on the land: Big
Mtn. I have just returned from a quick weekend visit to the Land
to check on my elder parents and to meet with Kee Watchman of
Red Willow Springs. My parents are doing fine and hanging in
there despite the hardship of trying to continue their way of
However, situation within the HPL is even much worst it seems.
I talk with Mr. Watchman real briefly and he showed me the green
steel stakes and bronze survey markers (Bench Mark) place in
concrete which were just recently installed. The BIA had been
going around to those families who have signed the Accomodation
Agreement of 1997 and marking off only six acres per family homesites.
Besides these actions, they (BIA) had just torn down the winter
sheep camp of Mr. Watchman and his sister, Lucy Woody. The BIA
crews even hauled all the materials off so that the Mr. Watchman
and his sister will not attempt to rebuild. This has furthered
caused Lucy's husband, Jack, to get a heart attack and has just
been recently discharged from ICU at Tuba City Indian Hospital.
Other families who did not sign the Agreement seem to not have
their property marked off. I was not able to have plenty of time
to do a complete evaluation of the area in HPL. However, I would
urgently announce that all interested supporters to be inform
and take immediate necessary steps in confronting their local
representative and the U.S. Interior Department's BIA.
I'll continue to keep (as best as I could) up with the latest
or with this unfortunate developing events in Big Mtn.
Thank You so much for time.
