



レイマン ブラザース会社(注釈:ピーボディ石炭会社の親会社)の株主総会のニューヨーク会合の後、私はしばらくニューヨークにとどまりました。その会合の後すぐに各地からやってきた関係各位やサポーターの皆さんとともにある集会に呼ばれました。そこでの討論はいままで幾度も私が聞いたことのあるのと同じ討論となったのですが、まあそれでも大事な討論でした。会合の最後にはしばしば繰り返し出る質問がありました、"〈ビッグマウンテン強制移住地区の〉土地に対して、直接サポートできることがあるかしら?" です。
私の答えは "いつも聞かれるんだけど、ええもちろんと何度も答えたわ。"



それで私はこの討論会において、多分 いまこそ我々皆全員がお互いを助け合うときなのだ と話しました。この国の、そして世界中の誰もが同じかあるいは似たような問題に直面してきました。我々は人種に関わらず一つの社会として、大企業や先進国政府、"ワールドパワー(とよばれるアメリカやヨーロッパ、日本といった政治的、経済的に強大な力を持つ国の力)" により率いられた非人道的政策により、圧力をうけている事を説明しました。我々はこういった嘆願書にサインすることで我々の世界的連帯というものの示威運動(デモ)を行っているということもこの嘆願書にて知らしめるべきですし、国際社会における我々の幸福に対してのこういった法律違反を止めさせるよう合衆国を含む世界中の政府に対して求めるべきでしょう。

最後に、この嘆願書には合衆国とその他の "ワールドパワー" の国々は、我々すべてが自然との調和の中で生き、人間社会においてこれ以上の苦難が起こらないようにと答えを求める為、ビッグマウンテン地区におけるような先住民の人々を認めようとするべきだとの注釈を加えることができます。


Roberta Blackgoat, from Thin Rock Mesa, Big Mountain Sovereign Nation.

May 11, 2001

After the New York City rally at the Lehman Brothers shareholders meeting, I stayed behind in New York for a while. Soon after the rally, I was summoned to a meeting with some concerned people and supporters, all from different parts of the country. The discussion of that meeting turned out to be a discussion that I've heard over and over, but it was still important. At the end of our meeting, a question that is repeated every so often came up, again, and that was, "How can we help or give you all direct support on the land?"
My answer was, "That is a question that has been asked to us for a long time, and we, of course, have answered it so many times."

Then, I explained that I have sat through these same kinds of discussion before, and that I have heard all the similar stories from concerned people and supporters. They are willing to help but they are usually involved in several other issues. Let me mention some of the issues that always comes up:
Fighting hunger, fighting poverty, various kinds of injustice, hundreds of ways that our environment is being polluted or destroyed, ways to stop the U.S. military aggressions worldwide, homelessness, diseases caused by modern-corrupt ways of living, problems with education, racism, police brutality, and desecration of sacred and burial sites belonging to indigenous peoples.

After this, I figured that our supporters and those concerned for our situation are in struggle and are in suffering, too, whether they live in the cities or in the countryside.

in this country and in the international communities has been confronted with these kinds of issues or one similar to those. I explained that no matter how diverse we are as a society we are oppressed by inhumane policies designed by major corporations and leading governments or "world powers."
It should be announced, also, in this petition that we are demonstrating our Global Solidarity by signing such a petition, and asked for world governments including the U.S. to put a stop to these So, I told everyone at this discussion that, perhaps, it is time that we all Help-Each-Other. Everyone kinds of infringement upon our well-being as a global society.

Finally, this petition can add a note that the U.S. and other "world powers" to begin recognizing the indigenous peoples, like at Big Mountain, for answers as to how we can all live in balance with the natural environment, and how there can be no more suffering among human society. I explained further that, beneath this statement it shall be included, besides ones legal name and address, each signature's ethnic background or nationality.

This is how I answered that most familiar question. My answer was this because I do care for all those that come to support us, and that we really need to start working together. So, basically my answer at that meeting is, "You can help us by helping yourselves, too. Seek your freedom and peace."


We, the undersigned, call on the United States Government:

1) To immediately repeal Public Law 93-531 (Navajo-Hopi Land Settlement Act of 1974),

2) To immediately repeal S1973 (Navajo-Hopi Land Dispute Settlement Act of 1996),

3) To immediately cease all relocation efforts and livestock impoundments relating to the Navajo
  currently residing on the Hopi Partitioned Land,

4) To immediately begin proceedings necessary to establish the Black Mesa region as a National
  Historical Cultural Preservation Area,

5) To immediately end Federal and BIA paternalism and allow the traditional people to solve
  so-called "inter-tribal disputes" according to traditional ways.

We also call upon Peabody Coal Company; the parent company, the corporate officers, and the shareholders, to immediately cease and desist all strip-mining of coal on, and pumping of groundwater from Black Mesa. We demand that you stop destroying the Mother Earth's liver and blood; the coal and the water.
We Demand Peace and Harmony for the Dineh, Hopi, and Mother Earth.





Please mail completed petitions to: Roberta Blackgoat, PO Box 349, Kykotsmovi, AZ 86039 または、
〒606‐8163 京都市左京区一乗寺中の田町15北白川荘107 ジェイク・デイビス 宛